Student Voices Forest School
Katie: ‘My favourite part was hiding in the forest, as it was peaceful and calm. I adored going outside…I love the adventures’
Jordan: ‘The best bit was robot wars….I love being outside’. We did nettle rope, frames, collage, obstacle courses, 123 where you?, collecting wood and much more. In Forest School I liked making fires and most of all making friends. It helps me because if I am ever feeling sad this is the place for me. I dislike one thing about Forest School and that is how long the period is! I want these sessions to be longer and more often!’
Ali: ‘Forest school is very adventurous, on the first day we made a swing! In forest school we made fires and dens, collected sticks and so much more….I would love to have another term of forest school…’
Morgan ‘I think Forest School is awesome and fun. The thing I liked the most was starting the fires and learning about different types of knots. I also liked collecting sticks and exploring the small woods. I had a great time at Forest School, it was very fun and nice to go out’
Will ‘Forest School is fun because we get to learn about how to make fires, how to keep safe in the wild and how to identify things like wild berries. We also make friends and do awesome activities like paper wars, whittling and sawing wood. I like Forest School…it calms me down’