Sixth Form Exams

The Final Push

The Final Push

Mock and Summer Examinations

Mock examinations take place over the course of the academic year for both year 12 and year 13.

Both year groups will take an in class assessment for their first mock of the year, which will assess their progress. Students are expected to prepare for these mock examinations which will inform leaders of gaps and interventions and progress meetings will be arranged to support student's progress.

End of Year Mock Examinations- Year 12 and Year 13

Year 12 will have their final mock examination at the end of the year (June) where they are expected to pass their examinations. If students fail to pass, they cannot continue into Year 13 as they need to demonstrate they can pass their first year to be able to progress.

Year 13 will have a final mock examination in March of each year and these examinations will mirror the summer examinations in regards to content and quantity of papers. Students are expected to pass all of their papers to be entered for their summer examinations. Students need to demonstrate they can pass their A level exams.

Mock Examinations 2024

Year 12

Monday 11th December - Friday 20th December 2023

Monday 20th May - Friday 7th June 2024

Year 13

Monday 31st October - Friday 10th November 2023

Monday 26th February - Friday 15th March 2024


Summer Examinations (external)

Timetables for these examinations are set by the exam boards and shared with students when timetables are ready. Examinations take place over the summer term and students will be expected to continue to attend lessons (until the last exam in that subject has been taken). Students will recieve face to face contact time throughout the exam period to ensure they are on track to obtain positive outcomes.