Remote Learning

Guide to Remote Learning

If your child would like to work from home, please follow the below guidance:

Select the subject tab to see a list of topics by year group.

Once your child has checked which topic they should be working on, they can click this link. Some topics may not be available. If this is the case, they should click here and they will find it there.

If you are looking for Seneca/Bedrock/Hegarty Maths/Sparx - please follow the student portal for the quick links to these websites. This can be found at the bottom of this page.

There are also fantastic lessons and resources available at Home - BBC Bitesize.

Year 8-11 students can also log on to Hegarty Maths/Sparx or Seneca.

English Topics

Year 7

The Girl of Ink and Stars/Bedrock/SenecaKS3 Grammar

Year 8

Romeo and Juliet (in KS4 section online programme) Bedrock/Seneca KS3 Grammar

Year 9

Detective Fiction/Bedrock/Seneca KS3 Grammar

Year 10


Year 11

Revision-use revision section of NOA website to guide study

Mathematics Topics

Year 7

Order of Operations (BIDMAS) Basic rules of algebra/Expanding and factorising/Substitution

Year 8

Fraction, Decimals and Percentages: Proportional reasoning/Fractions, decimals and percentages with and without a calculator/Percentage increase and decrease/Ratio

Year 9

Algebra: Linear equations/Linear inequalities/Represent and Interpret solutions. 

Geometry: Perimeter and areas of 2D shapes including algebraic problem solving/Converting between metric units and time/Pythagoras' Theorem

Year 10

Number sense: Simple Interest/Growth and decay proportion/Ratio higher only/Recurring decimals

Year 11

Revision - use revision section of NOA website to guide study

Science Topics

Year 7 

Year 8 

Year 9

Year 10

Year 10 Life - 

Year 10 Physical - 

Year 11

Revision-use revision section of NOA website to guide study 

History Topics


Year 7

The Mali Empire

Year 8

Transatlantic Slave Trade 

Year 9


Year 10

Elizabethan England: Life in Elizabethan times 

Year 11

Revision-use revision section of NOA website to guide study 

Geography Topics

Geography – Term 3 topics

Year 7

World Development. 

Year 8

Plate Tectronics

Year 9

Climate Change

Year 10

Challenges of an urbanising world- Lagos 

Year 11

Revision-use revision section of NOA website to guide study