Year 11 Mantra "Be selfish for my grade"

Year 11 Mantra "Be selfish for my grade"

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Year 11

The countdown is on ...

Term 6 Message- Welcome to Year 11

As we approach the end of the school year, I am excited to welcome you to Year 11. This is a pivotal year in your academic journey as you prepare for your GCSE examinations, and I am looking forward to supporting you every step of the way.

Year 11 will be both challenging and rewarding, and it is important to start off on the right foot. Over the summer holidays, I encourage you to begin establishing good revision routines. Consistent and focused study habits will not only help you retain information but also reduce stress as the exams approach. Remember, effective revision is key to your success.

To help you get started, we have prepared a booklet that outlines what you will be learning over Term 1(linked below). This booklet will provide you with an insight into the topics and content you will be covering, and it will also form part of your preparation for the Mock 1 assessment. Familiarising yourself with this material over the summer will give you a head start and help you feel more confident as you begin Year 11.

Please take the time to review the booklet and use it as a guide for your summer revision. If you have any questions or need additional resources, do not hesitate to reach out to your teachers or me directly.
We are committed to providing you with the support and guidance you need to achieve your best. I am confident that, with hard work and dedication, you will have a successful and fulfilling Year 11.

Soon all Year 10 students will have received a copy of their Mock 2 results. It is a crucial feedback point, which connects Parents/Carers with teachers and students, to better understand what went well over the last term and what students need to do to improve further. If you have not had the opportunity to discuss progress with teachers and would like to, please contact:  and I will facilitate this for you.

Enjoy your summer, and I look forward to seeing you in the new school year. 

Mr Murphy

Vice Principal


Key Dates

04/09 - Teacher Student Parent Meetings

05/09 - Students first day back.

24/10 - 6th Form Open Evening

17/10 - Mock 1 Launch/ Parents Event

04/11 - Year 11 Mock 1 begins

19/12 - Mock 1 Results/ Parents Event

09/01 - Parents Evening

24/02 - Year 11 Mock 2 begins

03/04 - Mock 2 Results/ Parent Event

07/05 - 2025 GCSE's begin

TBC - GCSE's finish

Upcoming Exam Timetable



Year 11 How to revise resources

Morning Support/ Tutor Time

Y11 After school support